How to place a pool on a yacht? Quite easy actually.
Look after the jump.

This is a pool outboard called Magic Swim. It is designed to protect you while you’re swimming near your yacht from jellyfish and other dangers. It is
made out of innovative materials, highly resistant and lightweight. Not only it can be easily placed to any type of locker it is also easily installed
in only 5 minutes. Not bad, but I still prefer to plunge in the sea and not being in a pool floating in the sea ;)

Look after the jump.

This is a pool outboard called Magic Swim. It is designed to protect you while you’re swimming near your yacht from jellyfish and other dangers. It is
made out of innovative materials, highly resistant and lightweight. Not only it can be easily placed to any type of locker it is also easily installed
in only 5 minutes. Not bad, but I still prefer to plunge in the sea and not being in a pool floating in the sea ;)
