This isn't even close to all of them. Brian has an extensive body of work, so be sure to check out his flickr for
more creations.


"Dr. Denture"











"Who Farted?"
A variety of Adoptabots are available for purchase on Brian's Etsy page.
more creations.


"Dr. Denture"





"Soon, my basement became a place where all the unwanted, used up parts from commercial enterprises and residential homes could now
come to find hope. This was when I created the world’s first robot orphanage. These parts refused to give up on life just because they
were being discarded. So with a little help from myself, these parts were coming together with new and unusual friends to fulfill their
dreams of once again bringing joys to others."






"Who Farted?"
A variety of Adoptabots are available for purchase on Brian's Etsy page.