We’ve compiled a list of the Top 10 Worse Aftermarket Car Accessories because we all know that they are way too many bad accessories that need to be recognized. Are these really necessary? Probably not, but when you have a ton of money to spend on a Mercedes, you don’t want it to look like everyone elses’, do you? That’s when the cardboard box comes into play.

Well, there you have it. The Top 10 Worse Aftermarket Car Accessories. If there is anything that we’ve missed, please let us know in the comments!
#10 – Ugly Body Kits
Less is usually more when it comes to modifying the look of your ride#9 – Spinners
Luckily this fad came and went pretty quick. Although on occasion I’ll still spot an Escalade or Navigator rocking these boat anchors.#8 – Huge Wings
If your car didn’t come with it, odds are you don’t need it. They look really tacky too.#7 – Altezza Taillights
They didn’t even look good on the Toyota Altezza.#6 – Cheap Stick-on Chrome
Too much bling makes my eyes sting.#5 Bumper Stickers
Keep it to yourself. Nobody else cares.#4 – Clear Wheels
Do you really need to see whats going on behind there?#3 – The Visor LCD Screen
Because catching up on “Lost” episodes is more important than paying attention to the road.#2 – Rubber Bumper Testicles
Come on, really?#1 – The French Fry holder
When your 64 oz. big gulp would fit in the cup holder. America- Hell yeah!Well, there you have it. The Top 10 Worse Aftermarket Car Accessories. If there is anything that we’ve missed, please let us know in the comments!